Changing the Narrative: Outdoor Clothing as Outdoor Gear

Changing the Narrative: Outdoor Clothing as Outdoor Gear | The American Outdoorsman

When most of us think about outdoor gear, we envision the tools for a successful adventure. Think bikes, kayaks, trekking poles, tents, hunting rifles, and the like. Anything that enhances our performance, we label it “gear.” It’s not often that we consider outdoor clothing within that category. Why not? At The American Outdoorsman, we’re ready to change the narrative.

Outdoor Clothing as Outdoor Gear 

Even amid a global pandemic, outdoor gear sales are surging. A recent article in the Detroit News exposes the inevitable shortage of kayaks in the state of Michigan. Other popular items include bikes and fishing poles. Bicycles, in particular, are trendy across the globe, joining the scarcity ranks with hand sanitizer and toilet paper. People want to be active outside, and they’re buying the gear to prove it. The American Outdoorsman strives to provide functional, well-designed clothing that keeps you comfortable and safe while extending your time outside. We call that gear. 

But if the outdoor gear we buy improves our abilities and experiences outside, then we must include outdoor clothing. Take skiing, for example. If you didn’t have the right jacket, insulation, or snow pants, you wouldn’t enjoy your time or wouldn’t be able to ski for very long. If jackets enhance our experience skiing, then the right shorts improve our running technique, and the correct base layer heightens our ability to camp.

How Clothing Improves Performance

The link between gear and performance is easy to grasp. Does a fishing pole help you catch fish? Yes, of course! And some makes and models are better and more durable, resulting in more or larger fish with less effort. Likewise, investing in the correct pair of hiking boots can help you reach the peak faster, protect your ankles, and prolong your time hiking. There’s a similar link between clothing and performance.

A Cold Night Camping

With the right base layer, hat, and wool socks, your time camping will be much more comfortable, allowing you to sleep in colder outdoor temperatures for longer. You can buy the fanciest tent on the market, but your abilities to camp will come down to your clothing choice. 

Camouflage in Hunting

You may assume that a hunting rifle is all you need to hunt a deer. But what about a water-repellant, camouflage fleece to keep you warm and hidden while you quietly wait in misty conditions? They’re both critical. Sure, the gun gets the job done, but the clothing also supports your hunting strategy.

Functionality When Fishing

Any fisherman knows that the pole or net is just one piece of the puzzle. The right clothing, including fishing jackets, layers, and shirts with lots of pockets, keeps you out in the elements for longer. Fishing can wake you up at the crack of dawn; it can require hours of standing in a river or sitting on a boat in glaring sunlight. The right gear certainly includes proper clothing.

The Heart of Hiking

Your shoes are number one here, but what else improves your hiking skills? Layers, clothing with SPF, sturdy bottoms to protect your legs… all of these outdoor clothing pieces will keep you hiking for longer and help you reach your destination with enough energy for the return trip.